Friday, 7 September 2012

trying to get employed

Who knew trying to get a job was so difficult.  I am so willing to work it's maddening when you see people at the job centre who are that high they can't see 5 feet infront of them and those who really have no intention of finding a job never mind actually going to work.
Blahhh. I'm in such a blah place with employment, there's hardly any jobs in my field and the odd one that does pop up it's in England pretty much 9 times out of 10.  Then the whole one job pops up for Scotland that hundreds people will apply for, it just makes you wonder why people go though uni to end up in Asda.

Hope i get a job soon.
money is becoming a rarity on the job centre and i know that they'll soon be pushing me into a job i really don't want just so that they don't need to pay me anymore, now for one i'm not moaning i'm glad they provide the service they do as with no money i could do nothing but it just annoys me how so many people abuse the system and have no intention of finding work and just go for the sake of getting another benefit when people like me and hundreds of others are just stuck in a grey place and have actually went out of school and done something to allow us to go and get a better career, but we still end up in a call centre or something. 
Sorry this is turning out to be a wee rant, and a moan but still sometimes you just need to scream and get it out.

Here's to all us who want a job getting some decent employment soon!! :)
Need some new clothes and shoes and a holiday with my bestie :)



  1. We have the same situation going on in the US. I just graduated too and finding a job in this economy is such a pain and it's really easy to lose motivation. Hearing your story was really cool because sometimes I feel like I'm the only one stuck in my situation. No condition is permanent though, I'm sure you'll find a job soon!


    1. I know the feeling!
      Hopefully the economy picks up soon!!
      Thank you!
      :) x

  2. Oh that must suck I think sometimes we take having jobs for granted, I hope something comes up for you really soon.

    1. Thank you!
      I know a job is a job these days! x

  3. Good luck! I am still at uni and trying to find even a simple part-time job can be hard enough, so I hope you get something you want soon! I think it's sickening that you spend so much time / money / effort on a degree just to find it won't necessarily get you anywhere. x

    1. thank you!
      aww i know any kind of job is so hard to come by just now.
      I know today's economy makes you wonder if university is really worth the effort and cost! x

  4. Good luck hun. I was in the same boat a couple of months ago, having graduated from Uni. But hold tight cause something will pop up. Positive thinking :) Don't let it get you down

    Take care,

    Lucy X

    1. Thanks Lovely.
      I'm still going strong, you just get those days where the frustration locks in, hopefully my lastest application batch will yield something good! :) x

      Followed <3

  5. Hey :)
    Just keep trying. I know it's kinda annoying and common to hear that and it would be 'easier said than done' situation but I guess as they say 'good things take time'. I didn't realise it was really bad there with employment. I had been contemplating to move in with my family who live in England but just thinking ahead about job availability is a scary thought! My cousin's wife only found a job after 6 months when she moved there and of course, it's not the career-oriented job like one would intend but out of desperation, it's better than no job at all!
    Anyways, best of luck and just keep looking. Speak to friends and family to find out if they know of any positions!

    1. Aww i know, i agree completely!
      It's all about who you know now and now always what you know, sometimes it would just be nice if people aknowledged your application and stuff but oh wells, hopefully something comes along soon!
      Oh no the economy is terrible over here, i recon it'll take me about a year to get a job in my field!

      Thank you!! :) xx

  6. Soz for the mini essay comment ;)

    1. haha it's fine! :)
      i leave mini essays too!

  7. I'm in the same boat- have been looking for full time work for several months. I have a part time job- and am grateful for that but alas it's barely enough to cover bills. Wishing good luck to us both!

    1. Aww i know!
      I get money from the job centre but they make it so hard and it hardly covers anything!
      Good luck :) xx
