Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Welcome to the working world....

So I officially started Work on Monday and had my second day today.  Monday was just induction day and company policy and stuff.  So far though Debenhams seems like a really nice place to work.

Got my uniform and my name badge, is it sad that i've always kinda wanted a name badge? haha.

It's just black trousers with my top and my fleece or just a black cardigan if i want.  Comfy and cosy.

So far everything is going good, everyone is really nice, and I'm in the home department and it's really nice and the people are lovely and willing to help me out, but there's actually so much to remember already, pin numbers for all the stock rooms and how to work things etc but i'll get there.

Today was till training today, my gosh talk about being threw in at the deep end, so much to remember in 4 hours ..... but hopefully they will put me on in quiet days and then i can go at my own pace and learn it and get it all right.

Tomorrow is my first actual shift. Eeek, i'm on 11-3 then i have a oyal mail interview at 3.45 talk about timing. Ahhh stress stress stree but i'll manage it somehow!!

anyway looking forward to working in debenham, so if you ever pop in to the Ek one drop by the home department and say Hello :)


  1. How rude! She's posting about something personal and all you can write is that you're looking for new followers?
